♡:.。. hello, i love you .。.:♡
welcome to ak's world <3
february 7
likes playing volleyball, singing, dancing, reading, watching movies, cuddles
gives the best hugs, will give you all the love in the world
> im a minor
> i stan many groups but mostly tweet BTS, ateez, txt, and astro
> i use petnames a lot so please let me know if it makes you uncomfortable
> I'm very affectionate with my friends
>i do my best to make sure I'm not being offensive or doing anything wrong but please lmk if i overstep boundaries
> i may spam,, and be annoying its my brand
> you're racist, homophobic, a bitch... etc
> you anti any of the groups i stan
ults <3
jeon jungkook ....................................... park jimin
choi yeonjun ........................................ choi soobin
kim myunjun ............................................ cha eunwoo
jung wooyoung ............................................. choi san
hwang hyunjin ............................................. park jinyoung
Wong Yukhei ...............................................na jaemin
Minatozaki Sana...............................................Chwe Hansol
some of you have come and gone, some have been here since the beginning, and some I just met. every single one of you has made an impact on my life. you mean more to me than you will ever know.
life outside of twitter sucks and twitter and bangtan have always been my escapes from the real world, a place where I know people will always love and support me and be there for me whenever i need it most. i still havent been able to find happiness and im still very broken inside but just know that you all have made it easier for me and comforted me so much
all of you have helped me so much and im so thankful to have you in my life <3
i love you forever and always to the moon and back
noushi, anna, jen, silla, marlena, kel, vic, cherz, bloom, shae, mia, miranda, yami, marie, alyssa, kaaly, hallie, danny, gladys, anna, luce, letty, jen, kou, lonnie, sharai, pam, sam, pay, ari, lali, alexis, cara, nancy, sophie, lay, zara, kels, karen, lay, esme, nadz, ash, phi, ashwini, kris, gray, cheska, nixie, sophia, ari, drea, myra, dani, jane, vivian, cheyenne, gia, noah, k, crystal, sofia, uzo, den, jeny, hannah, navi, chloe, kavya, veena, bri, tari, tabba, madi, violet, cozy, jae, brooke, chlo, vika, lily, lina, milla, jas, hayley, diana, keish, fabi, jay, sri, jabs, zyla, milla, nisha, jennie, fabi, silvia, veena, mars, cherie, luna, pau, tiff
my special babies
my perfect little babies. yall are my girls. the start of my happiness. idk where id be without you guys. first of all MY BI AWAKENING. you're the girls who were by my side 24/7 the houseparty sessions, the late night convos. yall were my first loves and im so thankful that yall two came into my life. the amount of inside jokes and random shit we would talk about i was always happy when i talk to you two. And ofc you both have always been my biggest support and hype women. its been over 3 years and i wouldnt trade it for anything in the world my loves. I love you so much
you have been in love with me since the day you met me and ya knowww i cant blame you, im amazing. You mean so much to me, i love listening to your crazy stories everytime you facetime me (drunk and sober). everytime i talk to you i cant help but smile. you've always been the one who knows exactly how to hype me up, exactly what i need to hear. i love you more than words can describe. thank you for everything my oomf. im on facetime with you rn and i dont think ive smiled this much in a while omfg i love you and i wish i had your balls.
(eric nam loves me more than you)
can you believe its almost been 3 year? youre my baby, my gf, my love, my pup, my happiness. i love you sosos much my baby. youre the cutest person i have ever met and hearing you talk and giggle, seeing your blush and smile, makes me so happy. your voice is literal music to my ears. i hope you know that no matter how down you feel, or how bad you feel about yourself, i will always be there to remind you how amazing and special you really are. youre absolutely beautiful, idc if theres make up, filters, or nothing at all, youre beautiful in every way, both inside and out. i tease you all the time because youre just my little baby. i love you sosos much and i cannot wait to meet you and hold you.
(ps your dimples are the cutest in the entire world heLP)
update: from strangers, to fans, to friends, to crushes, to wtf is this, to best friends, to each other's #1s
you mean so incredibly much to me and i hope you always know that. you're my sunshine, facetiming you is such a seratonin boost, it never fails to make me smile. thank you for everything, for caring for loving, for listening, for protecting me.
i dont even know where to start. the love i have for you surpasses any force in this entire universe. every moment with you is the happiest moment in my life. youre my person for everything, whether im crying, laughing, cringing, dying, youre the first person i go to for everything. we have gone through everything in life together from extracurriculars to different phases and honestly, i dont remember or even want to remember what my life was like before you blessed me with your presence. our lives are somehow connected and i never really believed in fate and soulmates until i met you. we have the most special bond and connection that brought us together and keep us together. thank you for dealing with me at times where ive been annoying, distant, and anytime ive ever done anything to hurt you i will never forgive myself for. youre the soprnao to my alto, the tinie to my tall, the big boobies to my tiny tiddies. youre my lucky 7 and will always be my forever and always. i love you doesnt even cut it when it comes to you. youre my entire world and more, you mean absolutely everything to me my love. thank you for everything.
i love you for eternity and beyond
to jen, mae, myra, brooke, chlo, syd, sri, eva, keish, jay, madi, vika, jas, jabs, lina, hayley, di, mari, lexis, zy, eda, lia, kali, vic, tabba
it all started with mae tweeting about starting a mafia gc and we all joined. the only goal in our mind was to win the game, little did we know that we would become the closest family. its absolutely crazy how quick we clicked with each other. ig yelling at each other to kill ppl really brought us together. from the 8 in a row mafia game sessions to the sappy hours where we declare our love for each other, i wouldnt trade any of it for anything in the world. i love you guys so much thank you for bringing me comfort, happiness, and the feeling of being loved and wanted. each and everyone of you has a special place in my heart. thank you for everything my tts.
to diana, vika, and mae <3
hi my lovies, its crazy how much we have in common and how close we've gotten. my love for you both exceeds all powers, & ill do anything to make sure my babies are happy. thank you for the smiles, the laughs, the comfort, & the safe space. with you three by my side i feel so loved and supported i love you my bbies
the yeosang to my wooyoung <3
i met you in the time i needed you most and im forever grateful that fate brought us together. honestly don't have words i don't know what to say. you just get it, you get me, and i cant believe i was blessed to find someone like you. when i have nobody else in the world, i know i have you. you're so incredible strong and selfless i cant believe i really got myself a soulmate as perfect as you. thank you for everything and i love you so much my baby
BTS, aka the sole thing getting me through for the past almost 3 years.
thank you. thank you for being someone who i never get bored of talking to . whether its the random 10 hour facetime calls or the texts that always bring a smile to my face. you're a person that brings so much comfort to my life ints crazy, your words are able to change my mood in split seconds. you're able to make me feel better with a 2 min convo. you know exactly what to say and ill always be so grateful that i found someone like you. you're a person i can be truthful with and ijm so glad i can be someone you trust to be able to talk to about things. ill always be here for you no matter what and i love you soosos much chlo
to nisha baby, my milla, my marsie, veena the eel, silVIAGRA, faboobie, jennie and rosé from bp, JAYson derulo
i love clowning, screaming, being crazy with you guys there never a single moment with yall is dull. the amount of love and laughs i receive from you guys is absolutely neverending, you mean sosos much to me and I'm so thankful to have found such a comfort place with you guys.
to luna, tiff, sophia, cherie, pau, dani, mira
yall make twitter feel like home. the messages, interactions, texts all make me so happy im so thankful for you guys. thank you for caring, loving, being there for me. I love you guys so much <3